started out as my sawing demo for last sessions Beginning Metalsmithing class at the Lawrence Arts Center. That night I brought animal crackers to share, which inspired one of my regular students, Kellie to call out "make the world's tiniest giraffe" when I took requests for what shape I should cut out for the demo. The next class I used the negative relief as my riveting demo (that's the little tree in a square scene). This session I posted on facebook asking people what to cut out for my demo and received a huge list of requests. I have been making about one animal a night since then and have really been enjoying it. I think I might need to make them two by two though. For an Ark, of course!

I cut these animals out of copper using my hand saw and my minds image of each is free hand drawing on the outline first or looking at an image while in process. Which, might explain my six legged octopus! I have also run into a scale problem because I started with the tallest animal, so making them to scale is a problem. Notice that the strange frog is the size of a letter on your keyboard.

Hope you enjoy!

Do you have any animal requests?


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