new beginnings

“Nothing is more the child of art than a garden”
Sir Walter Scott
In my most recent work, I am fabricating wearable pieces that utilize garden imagery as metaphor for the connection between human beings and the natural world. The garden references place and the inclusion of garden walls imply that these are safe locations, set apart from the overwhelming chaos of the world. It is an environ of peace that nurtures the life inside of its walls; a haven where one can retreat to observe the cyclical nature of life.
Literary critic Robert Haas once stated, “The first fact of the world is that it repeats itself.” I believe in the interconnectedness of all life and to translate this fact through the medium of jewelry, I employ repetition in form and visual elements. Although my work utilizes repetition in formal aspects each piece remains one of a kind, just as we human beings do. Circular constructions are fabricated to se as framing devices for central imagery and are representational of both the earth’s spherical shape and of eternity.
I am bringing the garden to the body by creating wearable forms. I intend the pieces to serve as a reminder to the wearer of the beauty to be found in life and bring a sense of peace and interconnectedness to their everyday lives. In my research I found that Joseph Bueys had an artistic philosophy that stated: Art can have a positive and healing impact on society. This is my belief too.
It is hard to believe that the dawn of the new year has already arrived. It is 2009. Now, I am not one for resolutions, but seeing my new, adorable yet empty planner does evoke visions of new beginnings.
The spring semester officially begins in just eight days, but my first day back to teaching is not until Wednesday the 21st. This will be my third time teaching Intro to Jewelry/Metalsmithing and it seems that all of the desks are already spoken for.
I kept very busy last semester, making quite a bit of work in order to ensure that I remain in the programs good graces. I am excited about where this new body of work is heading and I hope that you enjoy glimpses of it as well.
Above is my latest artist statement and more images of my most recent work will soon follow.

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