Failure to Update

I wish there was a way to say this without having flashbacks to my 6th grade attempts to keep a diary. Though, please note that I always made it a point to refer to it as my journal. I have never known who to address my entries to and I always, always fail to update on a consistent basis.
My apologies to anyone out there who is disconcerted by the nine month time lapse between entries; life and university have kept me in constant motion lately.
I am working through my last year in the MFA program at KU. Which means, that I have been completely focused on my thesis work and teaching Intro to Jewelry & Metals for the fourth time.
I continue to love introducing new concepts and techniques to my students in the studio.
I am glad to report that my work has taken some exciting new directions lately! For now, I will leave explanations up to the images.
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