
Showing posts from 2010

all done...

A Handful Of Growth Home Is Where The Heart Is this tower of my heart w/o its bracelet...2nd in my STACKABLE WEARABLE SERIES Love, Lace and Fences - brooch on Cut Grass - base Heart At Home - ring up close & personal w/ Everything Is Roses - cuff bracelet detail of hand-pierced, silver lace bottom of bracelet

Images of work from Ardent Notions

A Letter to my Future Children Pierced Nest with Stylized Ovum & Silver Birth Control Pills with Golden Wings Envisioning Our Future Nest A Heart Well Tethered (Human Heart Locket) Keys to My Identity (detail shot)

Grad updates and Sean Rosner's article in reVIEW

It was hectic right up until the end, but last Friday I finally walked across the stage and was hooded by my committee chair, Lin Stanionis. Thankfully, I am allowed to stay in my studio on the KU campus until mid-July. After years of pursuing fine art academia, a sense of accomplishment is beginning to sink in. Next up: reality The career hunt begins. What is my next adventure to be? I am currently working on the latest piece in my Stackable Wearable series. It is my most ambitious work to date. I am constructing a Dream Home...complete with elaborate fencing, towers and turrets! In progress images coming soon. & now...many thanks to Sean Rosner for writing an article about my work that I truly enjoyed.

lovely press! thanks steve brisendine. Thanks to the article Steve wrote covering my thesis exhibition on his website I have been contacted by the kindly staff of Review (Mid-America's Visual Arts Publication) for an interview and article about my work. It is exciting to come off of finishing my show and be given the opportunity to speak about my work and share images with the community. I will keep you (whoever you may be. For surely, I have never had a single comment, but I have faith that silence does not mean absence) updated on publication! New friends: nice to make your acquaintance.

preview photos of thesis exhibition: Ardent Notions

Beware these photos probably need a lot of editing due to my rush job of documentation.

Only 3 wks remain until I take my bow


Est. One Month until Installation Begins

I am caught up in a chaotic whirl of to-d lists and art making. I nixed the domes long ago...some of you will be glad to hear. The show will keep evolving until I run out of time and have to call it done! Here are some fun photos of the new tools I have been learning to use!

Working It Out

It is officially crunch time. My thesis exhibition is installed in less than 80 days. Closing reception to be held April 1, 2010! Below are images of the fence/wall necklace that will surround my dream home piece and of various other projects in progress. My favorite image is a detail of the chasing on my heart box. Enjoy.