
Showing posts from October, 2009

Home Is Where The Heart Is

A quick post to illustrate my progress on this piece. Some of the parts have been colored, but there is still work to be done before I can call it finished!

Additional Images

The post below contains images of my current piece in progress to show detail of it's hollow construction, etched brick wall and hand cut, silver lace bottom It will become an iris garden cuff bracelet that is one part of my 2nd stackable wearables: Home Is Where The Heart Is This post contains images of Home Is Where The Heart Is still in pieces and in it's natural copper state. I will shoot more professional photos when the piece is completed. 1st in my stackable wearables: Tower Of Joy shown stacked and apart to illustrate bracelet, brooch and ring

Failure to Update

I wish there was a way to say this without having flashbacks to my 6th grade attempts to keep a diary. Though, please note that I always made it a point to refer to it as my journal . I have never known who to address my entries to and I always, always fail to update on a consistent basis. My apologies to anyone out there who is disconcerted by the nine month time lapse between entries; life and university have kept me in constant motion lately. I am working through my last year in the MFA program at KU. Which means, that I have been completely focused on my thesis work and teaching Intro to Jewelry & Metals for the fourth time. I continue to love introducing new concepts and techniques to my students in the studio. I am glad to report that my work has taken some exciting new directions lately! For now, I will leave explanations up to the images.