this Daily

Gold dust breathe in breathe out Hardworking hand strike strike Honing my craft making her work having the space to create listening to NPR's modulated tones other's stories being told Flame strike shhckt shhckt solder flows a perfect glowing line Into the pickle tszzz the torch pops off SILENCE My craft is typically a solitary one. Just the maker and their bench. Often I don't even turn on music. Work time is my time to soak in silence, problem solve for a new design or "just make something". For almost every instructor I trained under, I remember a good one liner. That one was Jon Havener 's. It is solid advice, don't stop making. It might have taken a while to sink in, but I get it now. Other artists insist that it's okay to make something bad. Sometimes the fear of failure or imperfection holds us back. That's also another typical trait of a metalsmith. We can be perfectionists. Not necessarily in our personal lives, b...