Not me, after thirty three years of life lived, being me. Dedication to consistently journaling has come and go in fits and bursts, always. So, here I am after almost two years of blog silence, back again and finally, not surprised at what just is. I did manage to create something pretty wonderful in the meantime. My daughter. She is a true treasure. In comparison, I got back into the studio much more quickly than I did after my son was born. She was probably two months old. I have been consistently working in increments during late night sessions for the past four months to prep for a group show, a holiday boutique and a solo show. I am finding that making several separate bodies of work at the same time, works for me. I am quickly headed towards my fourth year of Motherhood. This has been a great time of study and service. I have my finger in so many pots right now. I am learning when to say,"no" and when it is so vital that I say, "yes". There has b...